"Hey, June, don't make it bad. Take a feature and make it better!" as a great band once sang.
And that's exactly what we did.
This was quite a long sprint, and we've worked hard to improve one of our key features. We hope you find it way better than before, and there's more coming up on that one.
New features ✌️
Revised and Improved Custom Attributes
This is the main feature we've been working on in this sprint. Custom Attributes is a core feature allowing you to shape your networks as you and your organization want and need. And we really, really, want you to use it. That's why we rebuilt it and made it more stable and better. We know it doesn't show (yet), but we promise you - more is coming up in a later release.
Automatic Force-Toggle for New Nodes
When you create a new node in the Force-Directed view but have toggled off the node type in the graph, it will automatically be activated when you create the new node. This makes it easier to see what you've created and how it connects to everything else.
Coming Soon 🚀
We keep pushing for new and improved features and aim to give you an even better experience. Some nice features are coming up!